Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blanket blog

I've swapped the address for blanket blog, the previous one hadn't been updated in over 3 months.  It had apparently been added on the side to the original site, which is now sitting comfortably in my navigation. 

The original site is chocked full of delicious images, information and opportunities.  Which is displayed a la blog/website style but also in a PDF magazine.  The most recent issue is No. 50 The portrait Issue, and I'm included!

As I mentioned earlier I entered one of my charcoal portrait into the Blanket portrait re-action challenge.  It is now sitting with the other 100 entries for this issue!  Come take a look at all the talented people in this and in older issues at Blanket.      

Friday, June 5, 2009

Archibald 2009

The Archibald is now finished, I managed to sneak in on the second last day and it was surprisingly empty. Not exactly empty but deserted compared to the last time I tried to get in: where the line stretched from the foyer, past the gift shop and into the permanent collection.

These are my favourites of the show. Some didn't come out well enough, like Abbey McCulloh's painting which was all about colour.

A couple others were from the Wynne Prize, I usually don't like landscape painting but that exhibition really took with me. Especially Paul Ryan's work, titled 'My home is the sea'. Loved the framing of the coastline, it was almost like a little boat, or a floating island, very insular and gorgeous. It actually reminds me of some of Nicky O'Byrne's art. Paul's portrait 'Moutain of Tom' was also kick ass.

Sam Cranstoun's portrait was amazing, though I must admit I have a thing for hair now. I also feel I liked his work because all the facial hair reminded me of wolverine; my 2D childhood sweetheart.

And while I was drawing 'Gyton' I met Cathy Larsen, one of the design heads at Penguin books! It is great just randomly running into creative heavy weights. She was sweet and really friendly and gave me some advice on my illustrating dream.

(Cathy if you are reading this Thank You! also I think the paper person we were talking about was Nicholas Jones, shows at Pablo Fanque)

I seem to be having trouble opening the AGNSW website so here is a different link if you want to check out the Arcibald Finalists.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Joanna Hemsley

A friend of mine has recently put together a website of her beautiful beautiful work.  I am one of the first in line to buy some of her jewellery after she finishes showing it off at her end of year show.  Hopefully I will eventually get her to make me one of a kind pieces for the rest of her life.  

Take a look, or if you are close by go see her graduation show.
I unfortunately am on another continent but you might be more lucky.